I've got admission to CUCEK. I could't find anything about CUCEK as admission process was in SOE. I've heard that there is no college hostel for freshers. And if so, should I be searching for a private hostel immediately? Or is it okay with just finding one slowly?
in CUSAT CAT by Returner (320 points) | 416 views

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
YES you can start it now or when you reach there before one week of the commencement of classes

and any private flats and other as paying guest
by Moderator (82.1k points)
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I read classes will start on 22th July on the official site.. But some say it's 15 th..! Which one is true?
Or is it about being present before a week?
22nd is the scheduled date for the commencement of classes with the chances of that date being extended
you can come one or two days before and arrange everything
Thanks buddy!
+2 votes
by Junior forum Specialist (3.5k points)

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