Their are some rules and regulations to keep in mind while using forums for CusatXpress.
- Ask your questions clearly.
- Try to read full community and related questions before raising a new support ticket.
- Your questions must be categorized and sufficient tags must be given else the administrator will hide the answer (piece of cake )
- Your questions will be answered within 48 hours maximum (mostly it takes 20 minutes, Thanks to our supporters) , Your should select a MOST HELPFUL ANSWER. This is important !! else you wont be able to ask any questions later. (Super power of Admin can remove you from community).
- Spammers are kicked out of the community.
- We are not here to predict your chances , but to help you out in simple doubts about CUSAT CAT.So ask your questions keeping the fact in mind.
- Its Free, but dont push it too far.
- Hate speech is not tolerated.
- Avoid Block letters anywhere in the question
- The answers/ advices given on the forum is based on assumptions,Rumors,common sense and experiences. The facts might not actually turn out in the order as the answer.
- The helper/answering expert wont be made responsible for the delay/inaccuracy caused in the answering.
- Blaming others for wrong answers is not enjoyed in the forum. Rather you do have an option for Voting down the wrong answer. Blaming will help you get banned from the community
- Though CusatXpress Blog is official, this forum is not. This forum is run by students of Cochin University of Science and technology.