I ve got 505 rank in cusat 2013. Ive got no idea about the branches.can u please suggest the branches according to their demand. and can u please help me a little about naval architecture branch.
in CUSAT CAT by Fresher (210 points) | 541 views

5 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
with 505, u have slight chance for naval architecture...but keep hope.......it seems all other courses r in ur pocket buddy.....as per last year,naval architecture has got the highest package of 27lpa,then comes polymer with 17lpa,then mech,safety and it goes on.......choose the course with ur interest not by considering the placement package.... :)
by Public Relations officer (52.7k points)
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+2 votes
fire and safety is the best,with high salary.
by Junior forum Specialist (1.4k points)
+3 votes
BEST=? I firmly suggest that one must follow his heart, not the herd. I'm not that experienced, eventhough I can say that engineering is such a field where innovative passion, imagination and hardwork do matter. So, go with what your mind thirsts for. And you should note that, a branch which has good scope at present, will bear a 1000s of engineers when u co.plete your course. Hence, it's not fairly predictable, to determine whether a course is scoped or not after a number of years. You just just follow your heart friend, it's the only thing to which you have to be attracted to.
by Senate Member (6.6k points)
+4 votes
Follow your heart...rather than runnig aftr money ;)
by Returner (830 points)
+2 votes
well u have got good rank.
But the selection of branch is depending only on you, its your future and destiny.
So better you decide it.

As far as i know every course is good in its own way.
But naval arch. and Safety and Fire are exclusive and unique courses available in cusat, well say kerala its best.
Coz not many colleges are offering the same courses with such a good syllabus and other facilities.
They do have good placement also.

All other branches are good but say common.
Now you decide.
by Answering Expert (8.1k points)

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