it's the printout of the option registration page....yes.dnt forget your...">
it has been asked for real time allotment and i have no idea about it.
in CUSAT CAT by Returner (690 points) | 494 views

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

it's the printout of the option registration page....yes.dnt forget your admit card (original one) for the allotment.....copies won't work.....and also dnt forget to attest your certificate copies....cuz i had the experience of not attesting it....

by Returner (720 points)
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yours is perfect answer ,....if u can.,,,,please inform me with required things
Thanks for answering
thank you....and try to be there on time....and...the thing u need....
1. ur tenth and plus two certificates.
2. certificate to prove whether a keralite or non-keralite (birth certificate will do),
3. ur TC and CC...
5. passout certificate if u were in cbse...(migration certificate)
6. attested copies (2) of all the above certificates..
7. any category certificate...
    and don't forget your admit card..........
+3 votes
that woz the page wich u got wen u registerd fot actually dey dont ask for it during councilling but admit card is  must :)
by Junior forum Specialist (3.6k points)
thanks would help me
Thanks for answering
+3 votes
actually that is not needed for coucilling.
by Junior forum Specialist (1.3k points)
Thanks for answering

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