Earlier it was said tht for those who hav a rank btwn 18000 to 21000 under KSC/KST the allotmnt is on 10nth july but due to strike they posponed it to 11nth july.
 but now they are saying it is on 5th aug. as spots admission as per in the new schedule.
 and  the chance i.e  as they said in the old shedule" those hav a rank btwn 18000 to 24000 " is nw given for SEBC category.
and for KSC/KST category they are nw  asking only for any valid rank giving the very last priority ???????? why it happnd so????????? was eagerly waitng for the day but.............. :(
in CUSAT CAT by Fresher (120 points) | 300 views

2 Answers

+3 votes
sorry but there cant be an answer to why the college did so

but you can come on 25th for the spot rounds for the vacant nri seats

ya it would cost more for the first year but from the second year the fess would be equal to those of general payment category seats

if there are sufficient vacancies in the nri seats then applying in that can confirm your seat if you are lucky

and your last option will be on the 5th of august
by Moderator (82.1k points)
keep in touch with the official site of cusat which is cusat.nic.in for any more updates
help me plZ.......
also how it is possibl to attend for spots on 25 th which is for nri seat as i'm a keralite ?
but if i'm coming on 25th will i get sure seat ?
wot ol documents i hav to produce to attend for spots on 25th / 5th ?
the requirement says any candidate with a valid cat rank
so i think you can come
the documents required are same as that for the real times and the fees for the nri seat has to be deposited there itself
check the site cusat.nic.in under councelling general instructions
+1 vote

The university can change the dates . it might be for the ease of working. ! 

by Chief Forum Moderator (159k points)

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