dear  sir,  my  cat  rank  is  3302  .I  have  kept  my  first  option  as inst  &  last  option  as  it2f  (24th option) .  unfortunately after  the  first  allotment  (I have not been alloted ,  but , got waiting list for my options)    i got  inst(176)  &  it2f(105)  [all other options above 200]. Sir, I  prefer  inst  more  than  it2f .  will i get inst ?

Sir, if I have been alloted to it2f in the next allotment ,are there any chances to  get   inst   further?
in CUSAT CAT by Returner (390 points)
edited by | 278 views
Is your option INST above IT2F or below ?
sir, i  have  kept 26  options  &  my  first  option  is  inst(aiq) - 457 (wl) ,  second  option  inst(gen) - 176(wl)  &  i  have  kept  it2f(gen) -105  as 25th option.

2 Answers

+1 vote
it2f will be cleared earlier .. thats true ..... but ur chances for INST are pretty good ....
by Worshipper (39.1k points)
0 votes

You do have chance for both branches in further allotments.. All you have to do is wait for the next allotment to take place and keep hope.. If you are allotted to IT2F you might be upgraded to INST in next allotments (P.S : Only if your option INST above IT2F. Else at the time of your allotment to IT all your lower options will be canceled)

by Chief Forum Moderator (159k points)

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