sir how much i need to pay if a seat is alloted and how will the payment would be done??
if any branch is alloted in 1st round how upgradation will be done?(i need to pay all money within those 3 given days?)

and what is that b tech  || phase admsn - real time?
in CUSAT CAT by Junior forum Specialist (3.0k points) | 167 views

1 Answer

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please visit the website for fee structure..:)  http://www.cusat.nic.in/

upgradation will be done automatically..you have to just pay the difference in fee on the next fee collection date..:)

real time allotment..well..candidates within the limit say below 5000 for instance are called upon..the remaining seats are filled depending upon the rank obtained and the options exercised by the candidate..:)

by Answering Expert (9.5k points)
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Upgradation in subject??? What does it means??

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