If university decides so nothing can be done. As for the IIEST procedures they cancelled S3 and S4 spl supplimentries,...">
last year even a final year student having 4th sem supply could get a s4 special supply chance and get its results before final results..now even if a student has only a single supply and that too only in the 7th sem,he/she has to wait for another year to get the degree just because cusat has cancelled the s7 special supplementary..this time the s7 results are published earlier than the previous years...thus giving the cusat authorities a lot of time to schedule the s7 special supply and publish its results before the final results..please don't play with the students's future..all students wil pay the amount you want when it's the question of their future and survival..
in CUSAT General by Fresher (190 points) | 230 views

1 Answer

+1 vote

If university decides so nothing can be done. As for the IIEST procedures they cancelled S3 and S4 spl supplimentries, but due to the protests and opposition the S4 spl supplimetry is now rescheuled to October. 

So hope for good.. Their is nothing fair or unfair in Autonomy !

Till now university havent cancelled the S7 Special supplimentry exam.. so Write exam well..

by Chief Forum Moderator (159k points)

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