as far as now the n-4 rule is not yet passed .. ! so you can get into the third year even if you have not passed. As far...">
we must pass specific no. of subjects in s1 s2 s3 inorder to get promoted to 3rd year?
in Others by Fresher (160 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote

as far as now the n-4 rule is not yet passed .. ! so you can get into the third year even if you have not passed. As far as i know !

by Chief Forum Moderator (159k points)
0 votes
yes some have and that is due to very low attendance

you must have the minimun percentage else you will get a paper back in that subject but not year back

in the orientation classes this year it was said that n-4 rule come into effect but whether that is an official announcement or not ,cannot be said
by Moderator (82.1k points)

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