I have a fairly good rank of 1232. I gave a high priority to CE1F and am currently allotted to it and am in the 11th position for ME1F(MSM).

Was it unwise of me to discard other branches like CSE and ECE?

I've seen that CSE and ECE has better placements. Is CE a poor department at SOE?? Why does it have poor placements??
in CUSAT CAT by Junior forum Specialist (2.8k points) | 345 views

1 Answer

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every department in soe is good. You have to follow your heart not your brain. If you are really intrested in CE. its the best choice you have made. All you have to do is study well and score good marks

and i came to know that civil engineering department has good placements , Labortaties and Qualified faculties !!

So all the very best :)

by Public Relations officer (47.7k points)
No. I like CE and CSE fairly equal. CE has poor placement records compared to CSE. Obviously, every dept. has good faculties and stuff but that doesn't answer the question.
mech department has a very good placment and with a waiting list of 11 i think you can surely get into that.

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